Schoolcraft County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Minutes of 09/15/09 Regarding Sheriff Department Budget
+ Associated Documents

CAVEAT: This article is one of a series of editorial articles that express personal opinions and views. They are written with no pretensions to be error free. I will gladly correct substantial errors of fact. My opinions can change, depending upon my awareness and understanding of changes in factual information. It is my intent to remain focused on specific public issues, regarding the personalities involved. For all I know, all the characters are saints, concerning their private lives and other public business...

Changes may be requested by e-mailing the details to


For those that wish to hear, first hand, a 1 hour, 9MB, mp3 shirt-pocket recording of the "Us vs Them" discourse of the 09/15/09 meeting of the Schoolcraft County Board of Commissioners that prompted this web page.

Relevant Minutes of the 09/15/09 meeting of the Schoolcraft County Board of Commissioners

existing sheriff dept organizational chart.

proposed sheriff dept organizational chart

the Gierke plan

the Gierke compromise history plan a

the Gierke compromise history plan b

2010 sheriff budget bitch a

2010 sheriff budget bitch b

2010 sheriff budget bitch c

From my perspective, this PDF file of a document from Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell and Tayler, P.C., retained by and representing Sheriff Harris and his department, was designed to scare the Schoolcraft County Board of Commissioners into bending over in abject terror, regarding some implied wrong-doing I am completely ignorant of. If I eventually wind up paying for this vague rambling dissertation that prompts me to infer that which I have no other reason to, I will be very unhappy.

Concluding comment for today: "Confidential" documents concerning public business cease to be confidential when they are presented and considered at a public meeting in a public manner. As for "confidental" documents concerning public business, in general, beyond the obvious lack of responsibility that "confidential" public business engenders, that is rife in this community, I perceive most confidential public business as an oxymoron that is anethema to a responsible open society and government.


The Schoolcraft County Board of Commissioners had published, in the October 15, 2009, edition of the Pioneer Tribune newspaper, the linked informative statement concerning the Board's position in the ongoing financial dispute with the Schoolcraft County Sheriff Department.


This recording is all the business at the 10/20/09 county board meeting regarding sheriff department finance issues.

 © 2009
Peter C. Markham -